Twin SISTERS Kathak Dancers at the NCC Camp: dancing to an aspiring IAF piloT


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from kathak dancer to ncc cadet

At the ongoing NCC Republic Day Camp in Delhi, the stories of cadets go beyond the marching drills. From Kathak dancing twin sisters to an aspiring IAF pilot, these young individuals share their dreams, aspirations, and the unique experiences that NCC has offered them.

Twin Kathak Dancers at the NCC Camp:

Ridhi and Sidhi Sharma, eighth-grade students and trained Kathak dancers from Delhi, are not only matching steps in their dance performances but are also synchronizing in the NCC drills at the camp. The sisters expressed their gratitude for the motivational words from IAF Chief Air Chief Marshal V R Chaudhari during a reception hosted for participating cadets.

Dreams Taking Flight:

NCC Cadets From Diverse Backgrounds Unite

Anjali G, an NCC air wing cadet from Kerala, dreams of joining the Indian Air Force and becoming a pilot. Her enthusiasm was further fueled by the IAF chief’s address, reinforcing her belief that NCC training and values will shape her future endeavors. Her dedication has even earned her a spot among the cadets shortlisted for the Republic Day Parade.

Aspirations Beyond Uniforms:

Harani A. S., another air wing cadet from Kerala, stands proudly as an NCC cadet but aspires to crack the UPSC examination and become an IPS officer. The diverse dreams of these young cadets showcase the multifaceted nature of their ambitions.

Empowering Through Unity and Discipline:

Air Chief Marshal Chaudhari interacted with cadets, emphasizing the importance of unity and discipline. The cadets, from different backgrounds and regions, echoed their commitment to these values. Priyanka Jha, a college student and NCC cadet, described NCC as a ‘mini India,’ fostering unity and dispelling stereotypes about different states.

Diverse Perspectives and Learnings:

Cadet Sona Rajput from Jammu highlighted the lessons learned through NCC—discipline, camaraderie, and the embodiment of the motto “Unity And Discipline.” The exchange of experiences among cadets from various states has become a unique aspect of the camp, breaking down stereotypes and promoting cultural understanding.

Leadership and Inspiration:

Air Chief Marshal Chaudhari, addressing the cadets, emphasized that true leaders extend their influence far beyond parade grounds. He urged the cadets to consider joining the armed forces and embody a life of “unity and discipline.”

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twins kathak dancers,twins sisters at ncc camp

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