Unsung Heroes of the Ramayana Worth Knowing


8 unsung heroes of the Ramayana

The Ramayana, one of the ancient and sacred Hindu epics, is filled with fascinating tales and characters that have captivated audiences for generations. While the epic primarily focuses on the journey of Lord Rama, Sita, Lakshman, and Hanuman, there are several other characters whose contributions are significant but often go unrecognized. This article aims to shed light on eight such unsung heroes of the Ramayana. Here are list about unsung heroes of the Ramayana.

8 unsung heroes of the Ramayana


8 unsung heroes of the Ramayana.

The king of birds and the vehicle of Lord Vishnu, Garuda played a crucial role in the Ramayana. In the Yuddha Kanda, he heroically saved Rama and Lakshmana from the Naag-Paash, a deadly serpent noose set by Meghanada.


8 unsung heroes of the Ramayana.

A humble boatman, Kewat’s devotion to Lord Rama was profound. When Rama needed to cross the Ganga during his exile, Kewat not only ferried them across but also insisted on washing Lord Rama’s feet, showcasing his devotion.


8 unsung heroes of the Ramayana.

Lakshman’s wife, Urmila’s sacrifice is often overlooked. When Lakshman accompanied Rama to exile, Urmila spent those 14 years in deep sleep, taking on Lakshman’s share of sleep, as per a deal with Nidra Devi, the Goddess of Sleep.


8 unsung heroes of the Ramayana.

Jatayu’s elder brother, Sampati, played a vital role in locating Sita. Despite losing his ability to fly, Sampati provided crucial information about Sita’s whereabouts in Lanka, aiding Rama and his army.

Nal and Neela:

8 unsung heroes of the Ramayana.

These Vanaras were instrumental in building the Rama Setu bridge to Lanka. Nal, the son of the divine architect Vishwakarma, and Neela’s architectural prowess, along with the Vanara army, created this marvel.


8 unsung heroes of the Ramayana.

The wise and experienced bear king, Jambavan, played a key role as a mentor and advisor in the search for Sita and the battle against Ravana. He was instrumental in reminding Hanuman of his immense powers.


8 unsung heroes of the Ramayana.

A tribal woman and ardent devotee of Lord Rama, Shabri’s story is one of unwavering faith and devotion. Her offering of tasted berries to Lord Rama, which he accepted with love, symbolizes her pure devotion.

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8 unsung heroes of the Ramayana,heros of the ramayana

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